System Warnings
t:slim X2 Insulin Pump Warnings
DO NOT start to use your pump before reading the user guide. Failure to follow the instructions in this user guide can result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events. If you have questions or need further clarification on your pump use, ask your healthcare provider or call your local customer support.
DO NOT start to use your pump before you have been appropriately trained on its use by a certified trainer or through the training materials available online if you are updating your pump. Consult with your healthcare provider for your individual training needs for the pump. Failure to complete the necessary training on your pump could result in serious injury or death.
ONLY use U-100 Humalog or U-100 NovoRapid with your pump. Only U-100 Humalog and NovoRapid have been tested and found to be compatible for use in the pump. Use of greater or lesser concentration can result in an over delivery or under delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
DO NOT put any other drugs or medications in the pump. The pump has only been tested for Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) with U-100 Humalog or U-100 NovoRapid insulin. The pump may be damaged if other medicines are used and an infusion may result in damage to health.
DO NOT use manual injections or inhaled insulins while using the pump. Using insulin not provided by the pump can cause the system to over deliver insulin, which can lead to severe hypoglycemia (low BG) events.
The pump is not intended for anyone unable or unwilling to:
- » Use the pump, CGM, and all other system components in accordance with their respective instructions for use
- Test blood glucose (BG) levels as recommended by a healthcare provider
- Demonstrate adequate carbohydrate counting skills (preferred, not required)
- Maintain sufficient diabetes self-care skills
- See a healthcare provider(s) regularly
The user must also have adequate vision and/or hearing in order to recognize all functions of the pump, including alerts, alarms, and reminders.
DO NOT start to use your pump before consulting with your healthcare provider to determine which features are most appropriate for you. Only your healthcare provider can determine and help you adjust your basal rate(s), carb ratio(s), correction factor(s), target BG, and duration of insulin action. In addition, only your healthcare provider can determine your CGM settings and how you should use your sensor trend information to help you manage your diabetes. Incorrect settings can result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
ALWAYS be prepared to inject insulin with an alternative method if delivery is interrupted for any reason. Your pump is designed to deliver insulin reliably, but because it uses only rapid-acting insulin, you will not have long-acting insulin in your body. Failure to have an alternative method of insulin delivery can lead to very high BG or Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).
ONLY use cartridges and infusion sets with matching connectors and follow their instructions for use. Failure to do so may result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin and may cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
DO NOT place your infusion set on any scars, lumps, moles, stretch marks or tattoos. Placing your infusion set in these areas can cause swelling, irritation or infection. This can affect insulin absorption and cause high or low BG.
ALWAYS carefully follow the instructions for use accompanying your infusion set for proper insertion and infusion site care, as failure to do so could result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin or infection.
NEVER fill your tubing while your infusion set is connected to your body. Always ensure that the infusion set is disconnected from your body before filling the tubing. Failure to disconnect your infusion set from your body before filling the tubing can result in over delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) events.
NEVER reuse cartridges or use cartridges other than those manufactured by Tandem Diabetes Care. Use of cartridges not manufactured by Tandem Diabetes Care or reuse of cartridges may result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
ALWAYS twist the tubing connector between the cartridge tubing and the infusion set tubing an extra quarter of a turn to ensure a secure connection. A loose connection can cause insulin to leak, resulting in under delivery of insulin. If the connection comes loose, disconnect the infusion set from your body before tightening. This can cause hyperglycemia (high BG).
DO NOT disconnect the tubing connector between the cartridge tubing and the infusion set tubing. If the connection comes loose, disconnect the infusion set from your body before tightening. Failure to disconnect before tightening can result in over delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG).
DO NOT remove or add insulin from a filled cartridge after loading onto the pump. This will result in an inaccurate display of the insulin level on the Home screen and you could run out of insulin before the pump detects an empty cartridge. This can cause very high BG, or Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).
DO NOT deliver a bolus until you have reviewed the calculated bolus amount on the pump display. If you deliver an insulin amount that is too high or too low, this could cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events. You can always adjust the insulin units up or down before you decide to deliver your bolus.
DO NOT allow small children (either pump users or non-users) to ingest small parts, such as the rubber USB port cover and cartridge components. Small parts could pose a choking hazard. If ingested or swallowed, these small component pieces may cause internal injury or infection.
The pump includes parts (such as the USB cable and infusion set tubing) that could pose a strangulation or asphyxiation hazard. ALWAYS use the appropriate length of infusion set tubing and arrange cables and tubing to minimize the risk of strangulation. ENSURE that these parts are stored in a secure place when not in use.
For patients who do not self-manage their disease, the Security PIN function should ALWAYS be on when the pump is not being used by a caregiver. The Security PIN function is intended to prevent inadvertent screen taps or button presses that may lead to insulin delivery or changes in the pump settings. These changes can potentially lead to hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic events.
For patients whose insulin administration is managed by a caregiver, ALWAYS turn off the Quick Bolus feature to avoid inadvertent bolus delivery.
If the Security PIN is turned on, the Quick Bolus feature is automatically disabled. Inadvertent screen taps, button presses, or tampering with the insulin pump could result in over delivery or under delivery of insulin. This can cause hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
Use of accessories, cables, adapters, and chargers other than those specified or provided by the manufacturer of this equipment could result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased electromagnetic immunity of this equipment and result in improper operation.
Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas) should be used no closer than 12 inches to any part of the t:slim X2 pump, including cables specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment could result.
Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other equipment should be avoided because it could result in improper operation. If such use is necessary, this equipment and the other equipment should be observed to verify that they are operating normally.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety
The pump is magnetic resonance (MR) unsafe. You must take off your pump, transmitter, and sensor and leave them outside the procedure room.
Radiology and Medical Procedures and Your t:slim X2 System
ALWAYS notify the provider/technician about your diabetes and your pump. If you need to discontinue use of the pump for medical procedures, follow your healthcare provider’s instructions to replace missed insulin when you reconnect to the pump. Check your BG before disconnecting from the pump and again when you reconnect and treat high BG levels as recommended by your healthcare provider.
DO NOT expose your pump, transmitter, or sensor to:
- X-ray
- Computed tomography (CT) scan
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
- Other exposure to radiation
There is no need to disconnect for electrocardiograms (EKGs) or colonoscopies. If you have questions, contact your local customer support.
DO NOT use the pump if you have a condition which, in the opinion of your healthcare provider, would put you at risk including any contraindication to the use of any of the devices in the pump per FDA labeling. Examples of individuals who should not use the pump include those with uncontrolled thyroid disease, renal failure (e.g. dialysis or eGFR <30), hemophilia, or another major bleeding disorder, or unstable cardiovascular disease.
DO NOT expose your pump, transmitter, or sensor to:
- Pacemaker/automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator placement or reprogramming
- Cardiac catheterization
- Nuclear stress test
You must take off your pump, transmitter, and sensor and leave them outside the procedure room if you are going to have any of the above medical procedures.
There are other procedures where you should proceed with caution:
- Laser surgery – Your pump can usually be worn during the procedure. However, some lasers can create interference and cause the pump to alarm.
- General anesthesia – Depending on the equipment being used, you may or may not need to remove your pump. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider.
Using Dexcom G6 with Your t:slim X2 Insulin Pump
DO NOT ignore symptoms of high and low glucose. If your sensor glucose alerts and readings do not match your symptoms, measure your BG with a blood glucose meter even if your sensor is not reading in the high or low range.
DO NOT expect CGM alerts until after the 2-hour startup. You will NOT get any sensor glucose readings or alerts until after the 2-hour startup ends. During this time you might miss severe hypoglycemia (low BG) or hyperglycemia (high BG) events.
If a sensor session is ended, either automatically or manually, you will not receive any CGM alerts. In order to receive CGM alerts, a sensor session must be started and transmitting sensor values to the pump based on a sensor code or sensor calibration.
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