
Tandem Diabetes Care is conducting an observational research study involving people with type 1 diabetes to understand their experiences using the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology. Data collected will help determine how well Control-IQ software is working for people in the real world. This study is approved by an IRB (Institutional Review Board) and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration). During this 12-month study, we will collect information on:

  • Insulin pump use
  • Experiences of high or low blood sugar (hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia)
  • Any quality of life impact from use of Control-IQ technology

Confirm Your Eligibility

If your healthcare provider has sent in your prescription for the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology but you have not yet started using the system, then you are eligible for this study. Qualifying participants also must be able to answer “yes” to all of the following statements.

  • Once trained and eligible, I plan to use Control-IQ technology for at least 12 months (the full duration of the study)
  • The United States is my current residence and I plan to continue living here for at least the next 12 months
  • I use NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin
  • I am not pregnant
  • I have no plans to get pregnant within the next 12 months
  • I’m okay with having my pump data uploaded to the t:connect web application for the duration of the study

What to Expect

Here is what qualifying participants will experience if they join this study:

  • You will need to upload your t:slim X2 pump data to the t:connect web application using the t:connect uploader software, or download an app to your phone that will help you with completing this step wirelessly
  • You will need to complete brief online surveys every month for the study duration (12 months)
  • You will be able to earn up to $110 during the study. If you complete all requests for information from the study team, you will receive a bonus of $40 (which would come to a total of $150 for completing the study). The payments will be in the form of Reward Cards that can be used for an assortment of e-gift cards, prepaid cards, digital checks, and donations.

Additional Information

By participating in the study, you agree that we may share your name and email address with Tango Card, a third party we use to administer Reward Card distribution. Tango Card will administer the Reward Cards subject to their own privacy policy and terms of service that can be found at tangocard.com.

Participation in this study is voluntary and participants can decide to leave the study at any time. An individual’s participation in this study does not influence their ability to continue to use Tandem products, purchase any supplies, or have full support from the Tandem customer care team.

If you qualify for this study, you will automatically receive an email invitation from Tandem Diabetes Care once we receive your prescription for Control-IQ technology. If you do not receive an invitation but think you qualify and would like to learn more, please contact Tandem Diabetes Care.