Our Tandem Family Tree – Kylene Redmond

Meet Tandem family member, Kylene Redmond. After originally being misdiagnosed, Kylene was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in May of 2011 and breathed a sigh of relief to find out what was really going on with her body. Today, she is the creator and manager of multiple platforms that strive to establish community in different ways. We are honored to speak with Kylene and share her story with you!

In what ways have you chosen to make an impact and what would you recommend to others who want to do the same?

I choose to share Black stories and show representation as a Black woman. I want to share experiences from my culture so that others who look like me can find a sense of community. You can help do the same by simply sharing your experiences with others.

Can you tell us more about the pages you manage? Specifically, why did you create them and how did you get started?

I manage @blackdiabeticgirl, which is a page that I use to show my life living as a black woman with diabetes. Here is where I also sell various merchandise. It's really a place that allows you to ask questions or to just feel open to chat as a black woman, or man.

I also co-manage a page called @Dopediabeticgirls, which is a place I created with two of my friends to help provide women with a sense of community. We knew what it meant for us to find friendship within the community, and we wanted to provide that for others.

@Everydaydiabetics is another page I run with some really good friends of mine. Here is where you can find our podcast, Chatting w/ Everyday Diabetics. The point of our podcast is to talk about diabetes and beyond. We’re three women who come from different cultures and enjoy having girl time. We show the world that we're more than diabetes.

Any and everyone is invited to participate in these channels. Diabetics, caregivers, and friends and family of diabetics. All diabetic types are welcomed.

What are the achievements you are most proud of? 

Starting a business and working on my degree.

Any news, events, or initiatives you would like our followers to know about?

Not at this exact moment, but I am working on a few things so stay tuned!

Have you found any resources that have been helpful or have had an impact on your life that you would like to share? If not, in which areas is there a need?

Honestly, it is the people in the community who I have found most helpful. So many of them share tips and share their experiences. These are experiences that you don't learn about in the doctor's office.

I do believe that organizations can do a better job by including more people that represent the entire community. Providers can also do better by sharing education and sharing information equally with all patients.

What do you wish for the diabetes community in 2021?

Equal representation.

What sort of action would you like to see from other Tandem family members?

Come say hi and get to know me! While you're there, check out my shop :-)

What’s the most common question you get about your t:slim X2™ pump?

From non-diabetics: “What is that?!” From other diabetics, I get a lot of questions about working out with my pump and where I like wearing it.

How would you describe your experience with your t:slim X2 pump? Any advice?

My experience thus far has been amazing. My advice would be to remember that it’s technology so things can happen. But be patient and give it a try. Everyone's experience is different.

Anything else you would like your Tandem family to know?

We're all in this together, give yourself grace. You're doing the best you can at this exact moment.

Thank you, Kylene, for your words of inspiration and for all that you do. It is a true honor to have you as a part of the Tandem family. To those following along, we encourage you to stay connected to our shared roots by exploring Kylene’s pages, included below. Thank you for visiting our Tandem Family Tree.

Website: www.blackdiabeticgirl.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/blkdiabeticgirl

Instagram: www.instagram.com/blackdiabeticgirl

Facebook: www.facebook.com/blackdiabeticgirl


From time to time, we may pass along suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem insulin pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. Please note, however, individual symptoms, situations, circumstances, and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.

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