t:simulator Demo App as insulin pump training tool for school nurses and teachers

By Brooke Wheeler
Entrusting your child’s care with someone else (whether it be for school, daycare, etc) can be hard for any parent. When your child has a chronic health condition, like T1D, it is even harder to hand the reins over. Thankfully, since the time when I was first entrusting my son’s care (who has T1D) to someone else, the resources have improved immensely. 
One major resource that continually helps our family, even though we are 10+ years into our T1D journey, is the free t:simulator™ Demo App from Tandem Diabetes Care. The t:simulator app is a virtual pump demo that provides an easy way to explore the simple touchscreen interface of the Tandem Diabetes Care t:slim X2™ insulin pump on your tablet or mobile device. The app simulates the pump interface. It is not connected in any way to an actual t:slim X2 insulin pump.
The first time our son went to school a big challenge we had was training his teacher on how to operate his insulin pump. At that age, our son didn’t play any role in administering his own insulin. At that time, I took actual pictures for each screen of our son’s insulin pump that walked the teacher through administering a bolus, correcting a high blood sugar, etc. I then put all these pictures in a binder for quick reference.
As a mom, I know how much anxiety I had about all of this, but I also was fully aware that his teacher probably had a certain level of stress and uncertainty as well. She was very willing to learn, as this was  her first experience with T1D; and in addition, she had a whole class of other young children to look out for.
I look back now on this experience and can’t help but think about how much the t:simulator app would have alleviated a lot of anxiety for all involved. 
For starters, we could have used it when we had our one-on-one training with his teacher and our son would not have needed to be present. She could have played around with the screens, familiarized herself with the pump, without fearing that she would accidentally administer insulin. It would have also proven to be invaluable because she could have referenced the app, after our training, if she ever wanted a refresher.
We may have had to fumble through the first couple of years of school/caregiver training; however, today you can take advantage of this awesome resource!
Another great perk of the t:simulator app is that it has the option for helpful “Tool Tips” that, when turned on, will display certain screens that you can press to get more information about features used throughout the pump. These are helpful because they educate the user on each button, thus providing them with a better understanding of their function. As a mom who is already knowledgeable about the t:slim X2 insulin pump, I still find these tips to be very helpful. I have found in the past that when I’m explaining the pump’s functions to someone else, I tend to speak as though everyone already knows what I’m talking about. These “Tool Tips” are a good guide for me as I’m training, because they force me to pause and explain why I’m pushing this button and what is its function.
Below are some additional features and uses of the t:simulator app:
● Use optional “Tool Tips” to walk you through key features and menu items
● Experiment with pump settings; Simulate bolus calculations and delivery (Standard, Quick, and Extended)
● Create and name up to six different Personal Profiles with customized basal rates, carb ratios, correction factors, and target glucose levels
● Explore and simulate Basal-IQ® predictive low glucose suspend technology
● View sample t:connect® diabetes management application reports
● Access forms to check your insurance benefits
● Quick access to Technical Specifications, Glossary, and Important Safety Information
● Contact a Tandem Diabetes Care representative directly from within the app
● Share the t:simulator app with friends and family via social media or email
If you’re already a t:slim X2 insulin pump user, you can start utilizing this resource immediately. If you are looking into starting insulin pump therapy, or are looking to change insulin pumps, using the t:simulator app can help you decide if a pump from Tandem Diabetes Care is a good fit for you. 
Brooke Wheeler was compensated by Tandem Diabetes Care for her contribution on this topic. However, she created the content, and it is based on her personal knowledge, experiences, and observations.
From time to time, we may pass along suggestions, tips, or information about our experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. However, please note, individual symptoms, situations, circumstances, and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment.
Important Safety Information: RX ONLY. The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology (the System) consists of the t:slim X2 insulin pump, which contains Basal-IQ technology, and a compatible CGM. CGM sold separately. The t:slim X2 insulin pump is intended for the subcutaneous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus in persons requiring insulin. The t:slim X2 insulin pump can be used solely for continuous insulin delivery and as part of the System. When the System is used with a compatible iCGM, Basal-IQ technology can be used to suspend insulin delivery based on CGM sensor readings. Interpretation of the System results should be based on the trends and patterns seen with several sequential readings over time. CGM also aids in the detection of episodes of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, facilitating both acute and long-term therapy adjustments. Compatible iCGM systems are intended for single patient use and require a prescription. The System is indicated for use in individuals 6 years of age and greater. The System is intended for single patient use and requires a prescription. The System is indicated for use with NovoLog or Humalog U-100 insulin. The System is not approved for use in pregnant women, persons on dialysis, or critically ill patients. For detailed indications for use and safety information, call Tandem toll-free at (877) 801-6901 or visit tandemdiabetes.com/safetyinfo.
© 2019 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. Tandem Diabetes Care and Basal-IQ are registered trademark and t:simulator, t:slim X2, and t:connect are trademarks of Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. CM-001073_A
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