People Behind the Pump – Jessica Kygar, Software Test Engineer Supervisor

Jessica Kygar, Software Test Engineer Supervisor, shares her experience being a part of the Tandem Diabetes Care team since 2016. Through her reflections, we get a special behind-the-scenes look into her current role and into what it's like to be a part of the software testing group here at Tandem.

Our products only tell half the story. At Tandem Diabetes Care, we put as much effort into standing behind our products as we do into designing and testing them. The passion within each person who works at Tandem is apparent. From product developers and engineers, to the people on our 24/7 customer support team, everyone has the drive to succeed and the desire to make a difference in people’s lives.

Supervisor, Software Test Engineer, Jessica Kygar shares with us her experience being a part of the Tandem team since 2016. Through her reflections, we get a special behind-the-scenes look into her current role and into what it’s like to be a part of the software testing group here at Tandem.

Who are you outside of Tandem? 

I was born and raised in San Diego and enjoy beach camping and Chick-fil-A! I am a Star Wars fan and have a corgi named Vader to prove it. I was diagnosed with type 1 at 15 years old and am a proud t:slim X2™ insulin pump user.

Fun Fact:  When I started at Tandem, I was a Medtronic user. Needless to say, the switch to the t:slim X2 pump happened fast! 

What made you want to work at Tandem? 

I applied for the Tandem internship program my freshman year of college because I was intrigued by the work they were doing for the diabetes community. I ran into the Tandem booth at an ADA event and was sold after talking with the reps. Tandem was working so hard to make the lives of others better and I wanted to be a part of that. 

What is your role and responsibilities on the team? 

My title is Supervisor, Software Test Engineer. I oversee the software testing group. I am responsible for producing tests that challenge the software, organizing my team to run the tests to ensure the software is bug free, and formalizing our test runs into reports to submit to the FDA. We like to say that software testers are the last line of defense before the users get our products.

I love the culture Tandem has created. There are so many people from different backgrounds coming together to work and achieve the same goals.

What aspects of your role do you like best? 

I love seeing products that were drawings or ideas come to life! It is awesome to read about users’ experiences with the products that were once just an idea.  

How has your experience been at Tandem thus far? 

I love the culture Tandem has created. There are so many people from different backgrounds coming together to work and achieve the same goals. Many groups are involved with each project -- developers, UX, human factors, marketing, etc. --  and it is so awesome to see each person’s piece of the project come together to create what we get to test. I have the best group of people in software that I get to interact with and learn from every day.

How would you describe your team and your team’s culture? 

My current team is a relatively newer group, but they are awesome! We collaborate well when designing tests and ask a lot of questions to our development team. Everyone on the team is supportive, encouraging, and patient as we learn our new products and features. We all know how to have fun too and our Scrum Master, Yukie, brings out the best in us when she makes us turn our cameras on for silly team photos!

What is your proudest accomplishment thus far at Tandem? 

I have been a part of many teams and software releases here at Tandem, but I was most proud to be a part of the Control-IQ® technology team. This team worked so hard to understand how this complex algorithm worked and even made funny videos trying to breakdown difficult concepts.

It is so surreal  seeing  feedback from those using Control-IQ technology and hearing about their experiences with the algorithm. I have read several parent responses thanking Tandem for allowing their family to finally be able to sleep through the night. The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology is changing people's lives. It is incredible to be part of that.

The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology is changing people's  lives. It is incredible to be part of that.

Are there any opportunities for growth within your department? 

Yes! There are different pathways for testers depending on their skills and interests. Some testers choose the manual test route, while others can pursue automated testing. From there, each tester has the potential to grow to Test Engineering roles.

Any fun facts about your department? 

The testing group is called ‘Lemur Nation’ because, like lemurs, testers are tasked to find the bugs!

Before the pandemic, we discovered R&D/QA was full of bakers, so we had our own “Corner Bakery” table, in the corner of course, that coworkers would put baked goods on. Almost every day there was something on that table and you never regretted taking a sample!

I love that Tandem does the shoutout of #tsliminthewild because it is an incredible feeling when you run into people in public with our device.

Anything else you would like to share about yourself with the online community? 

I love that Tandem does the shoutout of #tsliminthewild because it is an incredible feeling when you run into people in public with our device. I wear my pump proudly on the outside of my pocket and have had several encounters of people showing me their pumps too. One night at dinner, I had a little girl come up to me and exclaim, 'Look, I have one too!' with a wide grin. Tandem is a family, both employees and customers alike.


Thank you for the inside scoop Jessica! We are so grateful for all that you do and are honored to be able to show you off to the rest of the community.

If you or someone you know is interested in starting a career with Tandem Diabetes Care, please be sure to check out our Careers site for more information.

Responsible Use of Control-IQ Technology

Even with advanced systems such as the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology, you are still responsible for actively managing your diabetes. Control-IQ technology does not prevent all high and low blood glucose events. The system is designed to help reduce glucose variability, but it requires your accurate input of information, such as meals and periods of sleep or exercise. Control-IQ technology will not function as intended unless you use all system components, including your CGM, infusion sets and pump cartridges, as instructed. Importantly, the system cannot adjust your insulin dosing if the pump is not receiving CGM readings. Since there are situations and emergencies that the system may not be capable of identifying or addressing, always pay attention to your symptoms and treat according to your healthcare provider’s recommendations.

From time to time, we may pass along suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem insulin pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. Please note, however, individual symptoms, situations, circumstances, and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.

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