People Behind The Pump – Alex Riley, Software Tester

One of the best parts of working at a company like Tandem Diabetes Care is getting to know colleagues with different backgrounds. Alex Riley has enjoyed a very interesting and rewarding career path since starting at Tandem and we wanted to highlight his journey. If you find Alex’s career path interesting and would like to browse our current openings you can do so at

I joined Tandem Diabetes Care in February 2020 as a Customer Technical Support (CTS) agent through a temp agency. At the time, the agency recommended Tandem and I didn't think much of it. It was a job that paid the bills and they were hiring. After training, I had the opportunity to be immersed in a company culture I thought only existed in movies—employees were smiling, laughing, and even hanging out after work (pre-COVID, of course). Colleagues spoke highly of their leads and supervisors.

Once a month, Tandem organized "TBD" (Tandem Beer Day) and we all went to a local brewery to have drinks! I was living in an alternate reality that kept putting a smile on my face. While in CTS, I enjoyed the camaraderie with the other CTS agents and the relationships that were built with customers. CTS is at the forefront of relationships between the customer and Tandem, and I could see that the agents really are making a difference in the customer's life. The responsibility is both heavy and rewarding.

While looking for growth opportunities, my supervisor, Kyle Sylvia (huge shoutout to him; he's amazing and has the patience of Mother Teresa) shared the internal board for job notifications with me. I noticed the Software Testing position and its focus on working in small teams to find bugs. It looked like an opportunity for growth and sounded fun, so I applied. I was unprepared for the amount of support and assistance I received in considering a new position from such a large company.

Tandem takes care of us, and in return, we provide professional and unmatched customer service. There seems to be a never-ending amount of opportunities and growth. Plus, the benefits are second to none. The job that once served as a stepping stone for a paycheck has turned into a career choice which I share with friends and family while grinning from ear to ear.

My advice: Training is tough no matter what professional career you choose, however the reward far exceeds the struggle. Stick with it. At Tandem, the pay is good, the culture, company and colleagues are exceptional.

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