First t:slim X2 Insulin Pump Users Update Their Pumps from Home

Upon FDA approval of Dexcom G5 Mobile CGM compatibility, thousands of existing t:slim X2 Insulin Pump users were able to add CGM integration to their pump from home using their personal computer, without waiting for their insurance to cover a new device.

Sierra Sandison, a college student and t:slim X2 Pump user, received the public announcement of the approval during class and immediately scheduled a Facebook Live event for her followers.

“When I was in class earlier, I got an email about my insulin pump,” she announced on live video, apologizing for taking more than an hour to tell everyone.

“Later, I will be able to go to my computer, plug my Tandem pump in and have my Dexcom G5 on my insulin pump,” Sierra told her followers. “That’s the sick thing about the t:slim X2. I’m so excited.”

This approval marks Tandem Diabetes Care’s fifth new insulin pump launch in only five years and the second featuring Dexcom technology.

Just four weeks after launch of the software update, one-third of users have already updated their pumps via personal computer. Of the t:slim X2 Pump users who have taken advantage of the software update, more than 85% indicated they were satisfied or extremely satisfied with the update process.


“I’ve been pumping insulin since 2004 and using a Tandem Insulin Pump since 2015, so I’ve seen a lot of progress in these fantastic little devices over the last 13 years,” says Kerri Sparling who is currently wearing a t:slim X2 Pump on her hip. “With the ability to download Tandem’s latest pump features to my pump from my home, I feel like I’m on the cutting edge with my diabetes tech.”

Sparling is a mother of two and says that her biggest struggle is finding time for diabetes management.

“I managed to update my t:slim X2 Pump and had my CGM graph running live on my pump screen in less time than the time it took to change my son’s diaper and feed the cats. THIS is what a modern pump is to me; one that can be updated at home in a matter of minutes, without intruding on my day.”


For others, the main perk is simply the freedom of not needing to carry a mobile device.

“I’ve been waiting for this!” Says Mark Heyman, PhD, CDE. “Now if I don’t want to carry my phone, like when I’m out to dinner, I’ll still have all the data I need to manage my diabetes.”

“No more dragging around another device to see where my blood sugar is headed,” said Linda Franklin. “It's all right here on the t:slim X2! The download took only 15-20 minutes.”


The t:slim X2 Pump is designed to accelerate the pace in which we can bring new innovations to people with diabetes. Remote software updates have the potential to allow all t:slim X2 Pump users access to future features as they are approved by the FDA.1

“Every time I look at my pump, I feel like I have the diabetes tech world at my fingertips,” says Sarah Loebner. “I wish everything in diabetes could be as easy as it was to update my pump.” 


Software updates and new features are subject to future FDA approvals. Charges may apply.

From time to time, we may pass along: suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem Insulin Pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. However, please note individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information linked below before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.

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