Erin Didier, Territory Manager

Stay awesome. We treat our fellow employees like friends and family, and the company like our own home. This universal respect allows us the freedom to be ourselves and to be effective at our jobs, knowing at the end of the day that we can trust everyone to do the right thing, for each other and for the company.

Meet Territory Manger, Erin Didier. Erin grew up in Big Sky country, Montana, a state with more cows than people and one area code. Her older brother played football in college and her little brother is a rocket scientist. Her dad is a teacher and a coach and she credits him for her work ethic. Her mom is a nurse and Erin says she has her mom’s big heart.

Erin went to college at Montana State University and majored in business marketing. In her sophomore year she traveled to San Diego in December where it was 65 and sunny while it was -20 at home. After graduation, she spent almost 8 years in San Diego and met her husband. Coincidentally, he is also a Montana native and lived less than a mile from Erin’s childhood home. Cute!

What brought you to Tandem? What keeps you at Tandem?
I had a friend who started working at Tandem and she told me how great the company and the people were. I have a cousin with type 1 diabetes and my grandpa has type 2 diabetes and I fell in love with the company and the role we would play in improving our customers’ quality of life. I remember my interviewers, who are still at Tandem today. The passion they had about their jobs was contagious and I knew this was the company I wanted to work for. I just celebrated my 4-year anniversary at Tandem!

There are great growth opportunities and our benefits are amazing! I love the people I work with and my boss rocks! The Tandem management team has been instrumental in helping me grow my career, and I really admire the work ethic and positive attitudes.

I was looking for a new challenge and accepted the Terriory Manager position in Dallas in October of 2015 and made the move to the flatland. So far we are enjoying the people and our time here. We love going to different sporting events and concerts in the metro-plex.

What are your favorite things about your job?
I love hearing patient success stories and hearing how much Tandem insulin pumps have helped improve quality of life and ease the burden! I also love introducing Tandem to healthcare providers who are thrilled to learn that we are an option for their patients.


Tandem has been named a “Best Place to Work.” What do you think makes Tandem a great place work?
The people and our stellar product!

What advice would you give someone who’s looking to get into your line of work?
Wear your shoes out. When it is time to buy a new pair you know you’ve done your job! My Tandem colleague taught me this.

As someone who received a performance award in 2016, what drives you each day?
I attribute my success to having a great work ethic – thanks Dad! - and a great internal team of pump therapy and insurance verification specialists. I started at Tandem in an inside role, so I understand how the systems work and how to get things done. If I don’t know, I ask someone who does.

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