Benefits of uploading data to the t:connect Diabetes Management Application

This content was originally posted 2/8/2018 and has been updated since.

Diabetes is complicated, but managing data shouldn’t be.

Compatible with both Macs and PCs, and accessible by both patients and providers, the t:connect® Diabetes Management Application is a fast, easy way to access and save data from pumps, supported glucose meters1, and Continuous Glucose Monitors. 

Patients who regularly log in, and review data spend more time in range, 2 and sharing reports before appointments with healthcare providers can help to make the most of time spent with a physician. 

But, don't take it from us! We asked Kerri Sparling, creator and author of Six Until Me, one of the first and most widely-read diabetes patient blogs, and mother of two. Even with all that Kerri has going on, Kerri finds time to upload her data.

Q1. How often do you upload/sync data to t:connect? 
I upload at least once a month, but am trying to do it every two weeks as part of my diabetes New Year resolutions. Since I use my Dexcom 24/7, I feel like I’m getting a good sense of my trends on a day to day basis, but there’s something very powerful about seeing 30 days of data, all color coded and presented in an organized way that keeps me from feeling overwhelmed and instead inspired by the data.  

Q2. What features on t:connect that you use the most? 
The dashboard is the feature I use most, because it gives me a global snapshot of where my management is, and helps me set quick goals on where I want to focus.  

Q3. How do you and your physician share and use the data to make treatment decisions?
I have shared the dashboard with him during our visits so we can start our appointment knowing where my management style stands.

Q4: What else do you like about t:connect?
Honestly, I like that plugging my t:slim X2 into my computer to download the data also charges my pump. Managing my data is a decision I benefit from twice…and that’s a rare thing. 

As Kerri mentioned, with the new HCP Portal, clinicians can now upload, view, and print your data from one user-friendly webpage.

Note: Don’t forget to protect your t:connect password. Treat it like your other important data-sf-ec-immutable="">

If it's been a while since you uploaded, here are simple steps to upload your data today: 

  1. Plug in your pump or BG meter to your computer. 
  2. Open the t:connect Uploader and click Start Upload. Upload times will vary depending on the number of records since your last upload. 
  3. The “Upload Successful” message is displayed after the data has successfully been transmitted. 
  4. Click View Reports or Save Reports to be taken directly to the t:connect Application.

Don’t have a t:connect account?
New Tandem pump users should follow the steps in our Get Started Guide

Healthcare providers interested in the HCP Portal should reach out to their local Tandem representative or give us a call at (877) 801-6901. Or visit our website for more information.

1 The t:connect Application is compatible with the following meters: OneTouch® Verio® IQ, OneTouch UltraMini®, OneTouch Ultra® 2, FreeStyle® Lite®, FreeStyle Freedom Lite®, ACCU-CHEK® Aviva, ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus.
2 Data on file. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. 

From time to time, we may pass along: suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem Insulin Pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. However, please note individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information linked below before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.


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