Romancing the tone, taking control of the beep

The blankets are soft and warm. You’ve just flipped your pillow to the cool side. It’s time to sleep. Or relax. Or to snuggle. Until… 


Nothing ruins the mood for sleep (or otherwise) quite like a loud pump alert. If you’re dealing with some ill-timed alerts, you have options. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to reduce the inconvenience while making the most of your Tandem pump’s features.

Pump sound volume is set to high, but can be personalized for Alarms, Alerts, Reminders, Keypad, Bolus, Quick Bolus, and Fill Tubing. Options for volume include high, Medium, Low, and Vibrate. This can be changed in Pump Volume in Pump Settings. As a precaution, do not use the vibration feature for alerts and alarms during sleep unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider. Having the volume for alerts and alarms set to high will help ensure that you don't miss an alarm or alert.

Let’s take a look at some common alarms and alerts.

The Alarm: Auto-Off Alarm (aka Alarm 7).
Why it’s important – The reason for this alarm is sound: it’s a safety precaution to prevent insulin delivery in case someone is unable to interact with the pump due to a severe low blood sugar.

When it can be inconvenient – Ever eat an early dinner and then sleep in the next day? Your auto-off alarm might go off in the morning, depending on when you last looked at your pump screen and how long you slept.

What you can do – The default is pre-set for 12 hours, but you can customize this setting and adjust the alarm to go off anywhere between 5 – 24 hours, or the alarm can be turned off completely. But if you decide to turn this alarm off, make sure you check with your healthcare provider. Safety first.

See Auto-Off Alarm in your User Guide. 

The Alert: Site Reminder
Why it’s important – Time flies, and it’s easy to forget to change your site within 72 hours. But, leaving the infusion set in for over 3 days can lead to decreased insulin absorption and could cause high blood sugar. That’s why we designed this reminder to help you get the most out of Tandem pump therapy. At the end of the infusion set change process, after your fill the cannula, your pump will ask if you want to set a Site Reminder. You can customize this alert to go off any time 1 – 3 days after the site change.

When it can be inconvenient – If your site change is at 9:00 a.m. and your alert is programmed to remind you three days later...during your big presentation.

What you can do – Go on…customize it. Make sure you take note of when you’re changing your site, and be sure to program what time you want the reminder to pop up. Make it your own and take back the beep!

See Setting Site Reminder in your User Guide. 

The Alert: Incomplete Bolus Alert
Why it’s important – Distractions happen. Life doesn’t stop while you’re trying to pay attention to your diabetes. This alert occurs when you navigate to the bolus menu and then put the pump away without executing a bolus. Ninety seconds later, you’ll receive an Incomplete Bolus Alert. We designed this feature for those times when you’re interrupted mid-bolus and never have a chance to complete it.

When it can be inconvenient – If you legitimately decide you don’t want to bolus but forget to cancel it out... at the movies.

What you can do – If you decided not to deliver a bolus, make sure you tap the T button to return to the home screen before putting your pump away.  It’s that simple.

See Incomplete Bolus Alert in your User Guide. 

The Alert: Incomplete Temp Rate Alert
Why it’s important – If you set up your temp basal rate before you headed out to the gym, or to help mitigate some downward facing Dexcom CGM arrows, you want to know if it didn’t get done. We designed this alarm as a friendly reminder for those times. This alarm occurs when you remain on the temp rate page for 90 seconds without completing the process.

When it can be inconvenient – When you decide against setting a temp basal and forget to clear the screen? Yeah, then.

What you can do – Tap the T button to return to the home screen before putting your pump back in your pocket. Home screen again for the win!

See Incomplete Temp Rate Alert in your User Guide. 

And finally…

CGM Reminders.

Why CGM Alerts are important.

CGM reminders are important because they alert you to blood sugars that are out of your customized range. These alarms give you a head’s up on the blood sugars that might be coming, building in response time to prevent a sticky high or a dangerous low. These alarms help you stay between the threshold lines, giving you a chance to keep your blood sugars in range and your diabetes more on the mental back burner.

See your User Guide for instructions on how to customize your CGM settings.

And remember, if you have any questions about the alarms and alerts you experience most, our tech support team is here for you 24/7. Please call 1-877-801-6901 anytime to ask them about your pump features.

From time to time, we may pass along: suggestions, tips, or information about other Tandem Insulin Pump user experiences or approaches to the management of diabetes. However, please note individual symptoms, situations, circumstances and results may vary. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Please read the Important Safety Information linked below before using a Tandem Diabetes Care product.

Important Safety Information

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